Saturday, May 9, 2009

6:26 am in Belz Family Home

I can't sleep in since my mind is actually telling me it's almost Natlie's bedtime.

I'm sitting on the red couch in my living room. The table is set for breakfast. We'll have lots of relatives over for pancakes in about three hours. The clock ticks steadily. And I'm thanking God that none of the people in my family are six-year-olds and that everyone is a sleepyhead in the morning.

The TV next to me is ten years old. The piano has layers of brown tattered oldies and freshly printed test-runs. The zig-zaggy printed upholstrey of the armchair next to this couch is fading while the seat of it becomes ragged and stringy. My dad's thick maroon Bible sits next to the conc shell I used to always put my ear up to so I could hear the ocean.

Call me nostlagic. I'm just glad I'm home. All the glory of Shanghai could not make me happier than being in a place so familiar and so filled with Jesus.


  1. I actually used to think that when I put a shell up to my ear I was really hearing the ocean. :) Glad to hear that you are home, safe and sound.

  2. it was good to see you sunday! i'm glad you are happy at home and hope you find a job soon. :) i'll let you know if i hear of anything in cedar rapids.
